Recommendation for the title of Doctor Honoris Causa for the benefit of Prophet Khonde Dominique


African Observatory of the Positive Sanction
Cellphone : +243 998248327 or +243 823840201

To : MLDC Institute.
444 Brickel Avenue Suite 51132
Miami, FI 33131/ USA, Phone 0013213555954

*OBJECT : Recommendation for the title of « Doctor Honoris Causa or Honorary Doctor of Biblical Studies » for the Benefit of Prophet Khonde Dominique of the Liloba Church.

Dear Sirs,
It is allowed to me to recommend the prophet Khonde Dominique, a personality of very great value, under honorary Doctor of your prestigious institution. Indeed, the degree of Humanism which emerges from the specificity of its teaching of Gospel, slice with the majority of men of God who pullulating DRC.
A simple spiritual man who will have devotes his life has to marry the word of God with charity works. Pride of the Black continent, the prophet Khonde Dominique, is a man of peace. He’s leading the street children for a longtime the street children. He provides education for them, send them to Universities, feed them and moralize them. The State of Democratic Republic of Congo has just promised to take care of the thirty children among them.

In fact, the light of the chinning company makes away of charity, confounder of a company of justice, equity and creativity, it is the rainbow of rising sun of Africa Continent. Through the invention of the « Juice of Reveals », it contributes has the cure the patients and maintains the Health of the valid ones. By the mode vegerarian, he recommends, he deserves like a champion in all categories of the nature conservation. He is electron of the cream of the life for the human community living in harmony with nature. His simplicity, love of the actions and his works plead for the society recognition, Inc. And Nunc. Fastener with the positive values, it avoids growing rich on the back by the faithful ones. Quite to the contrary, he promotes work by exhorting Youth has to banish plundering and idlness. There invite its faithful has to remain themselves. He is inculcating the Civic value of work of the community ones.

The African Observatory of the Positive Sanction which has just crowed as an African Reference convinced, in conclusion that the Prophet Khonde Dominique is holder of one will have exceeds the limits of a simple man of God. It deserves for the posterity by your institution, the title of Honorary Doctor.
Take care to approve the Academic General Secretary, my expression of consideration .

General  Commissaire  of AOPS.